February 6th, 2025 


Leadership Alchemy  

Are you ready to unlock the full expression of your leadership potential? 
with Guest Speaker Sonja Harvey

Join us for an experiential session on how to unlock and begin to activate the full expression of your leadership potential – your Leadership Alchemy.

Leadership Alchemy is where leadership and intuition intersect. It’s your unique blueprint, grounded in all the skills and expertise you’ve accumulated to date and your deepest wisdom. 

This is where the magic of our leadership alchemy lives and where our greatest strengths as leaders reside. The trick is learning how to tap into and trust it as we move through an increasingly disregulated world. 

Bringing together more than two decades of work in leadership and game-changing insights from the intuitive sciences (yes, it’s a thing!), Sonja will guide you to tap into your Leadership Alchemy so you can activate it in your life and leadership. 



Sonja is a leadership specialist and creator of The Expansion Practice. She brings a unique alchemy to her clients from her twenty-plus years of leadership and organizational development experience, along with her realization that she – like each of you – is also deeply intuitive.

In her own journey, she’s had the opportunity to work with both visionary and textbook toxic leaders and many others who fall somewhere in between. After a decade of supporting leaders to scale their organization’s impact, Sonja has unique insight into the leadership required to successfully navigate and sustain that course. As a result, she is committed to bringing forth a new paradigm of leadership, where we are living and leading from our most sophisticated form of intelligence – our intuitive intelligence® – and creating transformational change in our sectors.

Check out her website here. 

Follow her on Instagram here. 


Hosted by Her Connection Hub, join this incredible group of women who come together for a different type of “networking” event.

If you’ve joined us in the past, then you know this is a gathering of women that you can truly connect with- who won’t be trying to sell you from the moment they meet you. We are committed and devoted to building each other up and supporting each other.

At Breakfast Club, we keep business cards away until the end. So we can focus on only real, genuine, authentic conversation. We are there without personal agendas or sales quotas, to truly do what we do best; be relational.

One of the visions of Her Connection Hub, is to provide the best education around Leadership and Personal Development. Her Connection Hub is a space for  like-minded women to come together in community. We are proud to say that our events hit different… and women are noticing. The Breakfast Club Events sell out every month. The beautiful professional and personal relationships that have developed here have blown us away.

Come check it out for yourself and feel the difference. 


LOCATION | Her Connection Hub  1323 Commercial Street, Bellingham

DATE | February 6th, 2024

TIME | Breakfast and Gathering Start at 7:30 am

Ends at 9:00 am


Meeting new and familiar faces, gathering in community, fueling our bodies for the day, and having incredible conversations around life and leadership.

Bring your work with you! Your breakfast ticket includes a day pass to Her Connection Hub, a shared workspace for women in downtown Bellingham. 

**There is LIMITED SPACE at these events. Please be sure to register as soon as you are able to, to secure your spot.**


Beverages by Boel is providing all our coffee, tea and hot coco needs!




Leave your business cards at home ladies! This is where women come together to create true connections and relationships. We support each other without looking for a sale. We engage in meaningful conversation about life and business, and create quality relationships with other women in our community.